We Marched To Save Our Zoo!

Sunday 12th March saw Bristol marching to save Zoo Gardens from development.

The protest march and demonstration were joined by several hundred Bristolians protesting plans to turn Bristol Zoo Gardens into luxury flats and houses.

The post-march rally outside the iconic entrance heard that the world-famous Zoo Gardens did not need to close. 

The crowd heard Bristol Zoo's abrupt change in strategy and abandonment of the Zoo was based on spin about declining visitors and financial difficulties, none of which stood up - based on the Zoo's own figures.

Former politician George Ferguson said, 'We do it for the children - show your support. We still have time to stop the destructive development of posh flats and parking on this bio-diverse Bristol jewel'. 

@portabellaclifton posted, 'Sundays are for…SAVING BRISTOL ZOO GARDENS! Hoping we can all come together to protect this beautiful site for future generations'. 

Addressing the protesters at the locked zoo gates, Tom Jones, a musician and one of the campaign's leaders, said: "Over that wall are some of the most beautiful botanical gardens I've seen. We're not allowed in. Why? Because a tiny minority of people took a highly subjective decision to close our Zoo."

Councillors are expected to meet next month to discuss the development plans. Addressing them directly, Jones said: "If you decide to change these gardens into luxury housing, history will not be your friend."


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